Our class did a project, where every group needed to choose a topic for a commercial. There were a lot of creative and enchanting ideas.

Our group․
Քեթրին Բուդաղյան
Անիտա Գրիգորյան
Անահիտ Ալեքսանյան
Հասմիկ Սարգսյան
Սարգիս Ավագյան

Our teacher.
Irina Apoyan

Credits to: Սերգեյ Ջուլհակյան

We chose the world wide problem of smoking and did scientific research on the outcomes that it can have on a humans health and the planet. We have chosen this topic because most people today are suffering because of it. With that said, this anti – commercial is targeted at smoking individuals.

Credits to: Սարգիս Ավագյան

The main body in here.
In the main body we discuss the advantages and disadvantages, what it can do and what we can do against it. The main body was also included in our slideshow, since the information was important.
The slideshow by: Անիտա Գրիգորյան ՝

We ended the presentation with a quote:

Remember teens, boys and girls you won’t look cooler if you smoke.
Be strong enough, and say NO.

Credits to: Irina Apoyan

And an animation by me: here.

I was very worried to talk Infront of a big crowd, but I’m starting to slowly improve as I was more confident in my speech than last time (in the Mock Trial). Of course we didn’t win, but it was a pleasant experience and we collected 13 votes. The winner was the 2nd team, and they definitely deserved it. I’m gratefull for being a part of that project.